The Role of Diet in Ulcerative Colitis Management


It is true that the same type of diet may not be suitable for everyone with ulcerative colitis, but there are some diet plans that can help some people suffering from the disease and bring their symptoms under control.

High-calorie diet – A person suffering from ulcerative colitis or intestinal inflammation suddenly starts losing a lot of weight and due to this the person may have a malnutrition problem. In such a situation, a high-calorie diet can help in eliminating these problems.

Lactose free diet – Many patients of ulcerative colitis also have the problem of lactose intolerance, hence they should not consume such things which contain lactose. Such people can consume products made from peanut butter, soya cheese, soybean and tofu.

Low-Fat Diet – When you have ulcerative colitis, it becomes difficult for the body to absorb fat and hence eating foods high in fat can worsen the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, consume such things which have low fat content like fat free cheese, low fat paneer, milk and curd, pulses, tofu, egg white, lean meat etc.

Low fiber diet – Foods with less fiber are easier for your body to digest. They reduce your urge to have frequent bowel movements and can also help limit diarrhea and stomach cramps. In a low fiber diet, you can consume milk, curd, cheese, white bread or white pasta, peanut butter, fruit juice without pulp, ripe banana, watermelon, cucumber etc.

Low-salt diet – This diet is used when a patient is receiving corticosteroid therapy to help reduce water retention in the body.

Gluten Free Diet – Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis often become sensitive to gluten, so if you have this problem then consume a gluten free diet. For this, do not consume wheat and all wheat products and instead you can consume quinoa, brown rice, wild rice, buckwheat flour, amaranth etc.

(Read more – Decoding Digestive Disorders: IBS vs IBD)

Patients with ulcerative colitis need to pay more attention to nutrition than quantity of food because symptoms of diarrhea and bleeding can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and loss of nutrients in the body. Many patients suffering from ulcerative colitis find it easier to eat small meals several times a day instead of eating 2-3 big meals. Doing this can also help increase the nutrition absorbed from foods.

(Read more – Colon infection)

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